
[CORPORATE NEWS] The Ifop Group continues its growth and acquires Brain Value, the leader in qualitative research in France.


“The acquisition of Brain Value is an opportunity for Ifop Group to bolster its leadership in the French market research sector and further strengthen its position in Asia and the United-States, our two priority markets for future development” explains Stéphane Truchi, CEO of Ifop Group, and driving force behind this transformation.



“After 20 years of entrepreneurship and some impressive results, we became the leading qualitative research agency in France and the time had come for Brain Value to join forces with a bigger group so as to set a new cycle of growth in motion. With Ifop Group, this is now possible and the entire Brain Value team is keen to commit to a new project that will enable us to broaden our scope of activity even further” shares his delight Nicolas Riou.


To discover brain value : website link