
[CORPORATE NEWS] The Ifop Group enhances its offer by acquiring Occurrence

IFOP is acquiring Occurrence, an independent research and consulting institute created in 1995.  A specialist in communication (corporate & brand, media analysis, internal, public, events, digital, etc.), Occurrence supports companies and agencies in both France and internationally in evaluating the performance of their on- and off-line communication actions. As part of this acquisition, the Ifop Group is also integrating Deep Opinion, a subsidiary of Occurrence, a strategic and operational consulting firm specialising in digital intelligence, influence and e-reputation.

The integration of Occurrence with its subsidiary Deep Opinion once again demonstrates the growth momentum initiated by Stéphane Truchi and his management team. The Ifop Group thus affirms its unique positioning within the research market based on the richness of its analyses and the creation of value since 1938.

A positioning widely shared by Assaël Adary, the President of Occurrence, who will retain his duties alongside his 26 employees based in Paris and Brussels:

“Ifop and Occurrence are further aligning heart and reason! Two companies that are rapidly expanding, complementary, that are emerging stronger from the crisis.  Together we will write a new chapter. For Occurrence, this is a great opportunity to boost our momentum by relying on our brand, our teams, our customers, our innovative methodologies and by benefitting from IFOP’s influence in both France and internationally” notes Assaël Adary.

Common fundamental values

For Stéphane Truchi, CEO of the Ifop Group : “The acquisition of Occurrence seemed obvious to us. The growth of the Ifop Group is occurring and will occur through the integration of companies sharing a common business culture. Our two brands are now united around fundamental values that we will continue to defend with our customers, our employees and our partners: conduct and ethics, at the heart of our business vision, and the value provided by the seniority and competence of our teams”.

About the Ifop Group

Ranked among the Top 5 institutes in France, the Ifop Group has been the leader in opinion research since 1938 and a key player in quantitative and qualitative marketing research with its facilities in Europe, the USA and China. Since 2018, Sociovision has been enriching the Group’s offer with unique sociological observatories within the market and exclusive datascience know-how. The acquisition of Occurrence, an independent research and consulting institute, and its subsidiary Deep Opinion complements the Ifop Group’s offering in the evaluation of communication devices.

As a member of Esomar and Syntec Conseil, the Ifop Group boasts strong CSR commitments every day, in particular to guarantee ethical compliance in this business. The Group’s Ifop Horizons Charter attests to this.

The Ifop Group is supported in its growth by its majority shareholder, the family investment holding company DENTRESSANGLE. As part of this transaction, the Ifop Group’s advisors were PWC (Philippe Serzec, Louis Terrier) for the financial audit and Depardieu Brocas Maffei (Cédric Chanas, Alix Amaury) for the legal audit. On the legal side of things for Occurrence, Fiducial (Misha Raznatovich) and for the M&A process, Jacques Paquin.


About Occurrence

Created in 1995, Occurrence is an independent research and consulting institute, specialising in the evaluation of communication (corporate & brand, media analysis, internal communication, public, events, digital, etc.) and the analysis of opinions. For more than 26 years, Occurrence has been supporting companies and agencies in both France and internationally in measuring the performance of their communication and guiding their strategic decisions. The firm works on behalf of many key accounts and institutions of excellence: EDF, Orano, ADP, RATP, FDJ, ENEDIS, KEOLIS, LA POSTE, BNP Paribas, Caisse des Dépôts, Macif, Crédit Agricole, Servier and many food groups, ministries, European institutions, including the European Commission, as well as local authorities, associations, NGOs and public companies.

A member of Syntec Conseil, Occurrence has also been ISO 9001 certified since 2004 and is committed to ISO standard 26000.


Press contact :

Ifop Group – Isabelle Grange,, isabelle.grange@ifop.com

Occurrence – Ethel Bachellerie, 06 62 79 19 21, ethel.bachellerie@yahoo.fr