In 2023, the Ifop Group and Les Napoleons are joining forces in a partnership for the 17th edition of the Summit, on the theme of « Repair », which will take place in La Baule (Loire-Atlantique) from 28 June to 1 July.
The Ifop Group will be accompanying Les Napoleons in their mission to bring forth social issues and provide solutions, as well as complementary and diverse viewpoints, in order to cultivate the critical spirit of decision-makers and build the future. It’s a mission in line with the commitments and passion for the profession that is shared throughout the Group.
Repair, an obvious theme
The theme of this year’s event was chosen because it resonates perfectly with the profound changes that have taken place in society in recent years. This verb alone embodies the notion of a cycle. Because it is clearly more profound than a simple fashion or generation movement, it is essential to understand its significance in terms of intentions and actions at all levels.
This is an opportunity for the Ifop Group – now comprising of Ifop, Sociovision, Occurrence, Deep Opinion and Brain Value – to showcase its expertise and propose the implementation of an exclusive research programme that will provide the Summit with tangible insights into the common ground and points of divergence that this theme evokes and implies when addressing citizens and consumers in France and internationally.
Ifop Group speakers and their multiple perspectives
Among the spokespersons for these studies, Stéphane Truchi, CEO of the Ifop Group and Rémy Oudghiri, Managing Director of Sociovision, will be highlighting their findings at the Summit and Assaël Adary, Co-founder and Managing Director of Occurrence, during an exclusive event, Before*.
Frédéric Dabi, Opinion Managing Director at Ifop, will be sharing his views in the Napoleons Voice series.
Alongside other speakers such as… Ghada Hatem-Gantzer, gynaecologist and obstetrician, founder of La Maison des Femmes, Gilles Boeuf, biologist specialising in biodiversity and the oceans, former Chairman of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Olivier Goy, co-founder of October, whose personal story inspired the film Invincible Été, Camille Aumont-Carnel, a feminist activist specialising in sex education and a columnist for the health magazine Allô docteurs on France 5, and Chloé Morin, a political scientist and essayist.
The 17th summit in La Baule will bring together an open community of women and men driven by the desire to share and promote virtuous, ethical innovation that benefits with benevolence and determination the greatest number of people.
To learn more about Les Napoleons, click here.
Press Release